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roseline / The UCLA Test Bed

UCLA has a permanent roof-based test bed located in the NESL lab (pictured below). The test bed is currently comprised of 6 devices, all of which network boot from a central controller. External access to the central controller is available: ssh -p 45000 roseline@ (or ssh roseline@ from within the lab).

Once you have logged into the central controller, you should be able to login to each of the following nodes by SSH on port 22 (the default SSH port). Both ssh root@bbb-alpha and ssh root@ will work.

  • 6c:ec:eb:af:01:56 bbb-alpha RoseLine BBB #00
  • 6c:ec:eb:ad:b1:ad bbb-bravo RoseLine BBB #01
  • 6c:ec:eb:ba:02:c2 bbb-charlie RoseLine BBB #02
  • 6c:ec:eb:af:5a:e3 bbb-delta RoseLine BBB #03
  • 6c:ec:eb:ac:41:04 bbb-echo RoseLine BBB #04
  • 6c:ec:eb:ac:6f:40 bbb-foxtrot RoseLine BBB #05

  • 6c:ec:eb:ad:98:68 bbb-inca RoseLine BBB #08

  • 6c:ec:eb🆎03:b4 bbb-lima RoseLine BBB #11
  • 6c:ec:eb:ae:f7:4d bbb-mike RoseLine BBB #12

After your account is created, you will need to checkout the roseline code to some directory in your personal home directory, e.g. ~/roseline. Note that you'll need write access to the folder.

$ cd ~
$ git clone

For those who just wish to copy over some source code or cross-compiled libraries, put the directories in ~/roseline/applications and run the following command:

$ roseline-copy-code /home/<username>/roseline

This instruction essentially copies the timesync algorithm and your custom code to the shared NFS folder on the central controller. Since all slave nodes mount this shared folder as root on booting, the new content is immediately synchronized to all of them. If you log into one of the devices you should see your code in /root/shared, where you can run or compile it.

If you wish to recompile the slave kernel + modules, you should first read * [Tutorial 5 - Cross-compiling a kernel, modules and device tree](Tutorial 5 - Cross-compiling a kernel]. Then, once you have a compiled a Linux kernel and modules run the following command:

$ roseline-copy-kernel /home/<username>/roseline

Finally, reset the nodes to boot into your new kernel and modules!

$ roseline-reset

If you aren't receiving a response from the platforms, try examining minicom (there is a FTDI cable plugged into the november device, which will give some meaningful bootloader output on /dev/ttyUSB0.

$ minicom

Here is a picture of the 14 node test bed:

